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Toddler and Early Infancy (1 to 3 years)

Toddler and Early Infancy (1 to 3 years)
As the child develops further, between the ages of 12 and 24 months, the child should be able to:
- Hands move according to vision
- Looks for and identifies pictures in books
- Explores depth of objects
- Enjoys watching moving objects (wheels, etc.)
- Builds towers out of large blocks
- Scribbles with crayons
- Able to take socks off
- Turns pages of a book one at a time
- Uses thumb and index finger to hold crayon
- Walks independently forwards and backwards
- Throws a ball without falling down
- Stand up independently
- Jumps with two feet
Early Infancy
Going into early infancy, (2 – 3 years old) the child should be able to:
- Visually attends to hands whilst holding objects
- Visually inspect objects without the need to touch them
- Brushes teeth with help
- Holds scissors with two hands and can open and close scissors
- Starts unbuttoning large buttons
- Draw vertical lines
- Able to throw a small ball
- Catch a ball
- Walk on tip toes briefly
- Several steps taken on a balance beam
- Walks upstairs with support
- Able to jump forward
- Balance on one foot
How an occupational therapist can help a child with delayed milestones
Our occupational therapists have the skills and knowledge to help further the development of children who may be finding adapting to the world around them more difficult than others. We can offer a range of treatment and services to improve the development of your child.
If you would like to speak to a member of our team, or to arrange an assessment please email or call us on 0330 233 0888
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Please contact one of our experienced occupational therapists today and we will gladly discuss how we can help and what services we can offer you.
- 0330 223 0888
- 2 Hagley Rd, Salford M5 3EY [map]