Medico-legal Report
OT for Kids has Medico-legal expert paediatric occupational therapists. Our Occupational Therapists can provide claimant and defence instructed Medico-legal reports that can advise on the following:
- Impact of the condition on occupations within the home
- Mobility of the child around school and public places
- How the condition is impacting on learning and education
- Current and future treatment plan
- Cost of on-going OT input and/or equipment needed
- Equipment recommendations for improved function
- Potential for improvement and current level of function
- Comparison of current level of function to level of function prior to condition/trauma
Cost of Medico-Legal Report Cost:
The costs of Medico-Legal reports vary on the complexity of each case, the report required and the location of the client. A written quotation would be available upon request. However prior to providing a quotation OT for Kids would require the following information:
- Capacity of appointment
- Services required of the expert
- Purpose of the report
- Issues to be addressed
- Timescale for delivery
- Current and future updated expert reports
- Relevant GP and hospital records
- Witness statements
- Relevant court orders
- Particulars of claim and defence
- Schedule of loss
- Party / parties responsible for the payment of fees
- Other background information
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Please contact one of our experienced occupational therapists today and we will gladly discuss how we can help and what services we can offer you.
- 0330 223 0888
- office@otforkids.co.uk
- 2 Hagley Rd, Salford M5 3EY [map]