School Consultancy
OT for Kids Consultancy service provides primary and secondary mainstream and special schools with an onsite Occupational therapist who can provide 1:1 assessment of children with particular learning needs, assessment of the school environments and provide detailed individual reports outlining the impact on learning and any further recommendations for schools to improve development.
Benefits of OT for Kids School Consultancy Service One of the main benefits that schools we work with have highlighted is how quickly we can come out to your school to provide onsite vital, high quality assessment and treatment for children. This is just one of the many benefits of working with OT for Kids, including:
- Detailed outcome based assessments of individual children
- Follow up individual reports outlining assessment and further treatment
- Verbal and written summary of the assessment and any further recommendations, including equipment and any further treatment required
- Onsite Paediatric Occupational Therapist
- Verbal recommendations and advice to teaching staff
- Modifications to the environment or seating plans
- Parents of children who are assessed will have access to the individual reports and any further treatment plans or environmental modifications
- Competitive prices
Your school will receive individual report for every child who is assessed, providing them with an insight into how and why that child may be performing poorly on academic scores. Alongside this, the school will receive an onsite Occupational Therapist who can provide verbal advice and training to staff on how best to approach children with certain difficulties, as well as provide advice on how to improve the environment to improve learning for children with concentration difficulties.
The parent of each child who is assessed during the time on site, will receive the benefits of any treatment plans, modifications to seating plans or other environmental factors formulated for their child. The parent will also receive additional specialised input for their child that will improve the learning environment or provide teachers with a more detailed overview of their child in order to better their education plan.
Children our Occupational Therapist work with:
OT for Kids work with a wide range of children with many difficulties across all schools within the U.K, including:
- Poor concentration in the classroom,
- Messy or illegible handwriting
- Poor fine motor skills
- Difficulties completing gross motor (sport) based activities
- Specialised seating or postural support
- Difficulties with organisational and planning skills
- Children who are easily distracted
- Children who require 1:1 support
What is Included
As part of the OT for Kids consultancy service, your school would receive detailed individual or environmental assessments followed by a follow up report. This report would summarise the difficulties the child is facing and the options available to your school to improve these. Options include any recommended equipment such as sloped writing boards, pencil grips, adaptive seating or sensory equipment, or any further activities or treatment that can be completed to develop skills.
Below is a list of all the aspects that are included within the OT for Kids consultancy service:
Assessments of individual children
The Occupational Therapist is able to provide non-standardised assessments of individual children. This can be used to assess handwriting, concentration, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, co-ordination and movement skills. The Occupational Therapist will be able to determine the cause of the difficulties and offer advice on treatment plans, activities to complete and any modifications to each child's day in order to improve function.
Assessments of Environment
The Occupational Therapist can assess the school environment in relation to particular cases, or as an individual assessment. This would include advice on seating, posture, adaptive aids, school displays and particularly the classroom position and teaching position. This is particularly useful for children who struggle to concentrate or sustain attention during lessons.
Discuss individual cases
The Occupational Therapist can discuss individual cases and offer verbal advice on how best to improve both the learning environment and the global development of each case.
Verbal advice and recommendations
As each Occupational Therapist will be onsite for the duration of a school day, any questions or discussions can be had on a wide range of problems. Our Occupational Therapist will be able to offer advice and future recommendations on how to improve this.
This is then followed up with the any of following reports, depending upon services completed:
Individual Reports
An individual report will be completed for each child who is assessed during one school day. This would contain a detailed outline of the assessment, current level of function and provide a detailed section, with appendices and example activities to complete, as further recommendations for school. The report would outline any equipment needed.
Environmental Reports
An environmental report would summarise the findings found upon assessment and provide more detail of how to modify the school or classroom environment to improve learning. This can be in relation to an individual case or as a general report.
If you are interested in the School Consultancy service and would like to find out more information, please fill out the form below, email with details of your school and contact information, or call us on 0330 223 0888. We look forward to hearing from you.
Next steps:
Please contact one of our experienced occupational therapists today and we will gladly discuss how we can help and what services we can offer you.
Please contact one of our experienced occupational therapists today and we will gladly discuss how we can help and what services we can offer you.
- 0330 223 0888
- 2 Hagley Rd, Salford M5 3EY [map]